One Day at Reqing Store (热情商店的一天)


Address / 地址
Rm 102, Building 6, No. 27, Zhong Zhangjia Lane,
Gusu District, Jiangsu Province, P.R. China
中国 · 江苏省苏州市姑苏区

Opening Hours / 营业时间
03:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Tues. (周二) - Sun. (周日)

In this video, I visit Reqing Store (热情商店) in Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, mainland China. I meet the owner, who is also my friend Galaxy Knight (he is also a producer, DJ & beat maker, concentrating on French House & v a p o r w a v e) and check out his amazing selections of vinyl records and artworks in his brand-new store.

The store is located in a small alley called Zhong Zhangjia Lane (中张家巷) near Pinjiang Road (平江路). This lane connects the ancient city of Suzhou and the most modern and luxury landmark Yanlord Cangjie (仁恒仓街), which unveils the underside of Reqing Store—conflict and integration of multicultural environment.

It's worth mentioning that the name of the store, Reqing (热情), was actually inspired by the Pokémon games. Reqing means passion in English. Galaxy Knight is a big Pokémon fan, and he will stop by a building called Poké Mart each time he enters the game. The Poké Mart is translated, or perhaps renamed, to Friendship Store (友谊商店) in the Chinese version. Thus, Galaxy Knight associates passion from friendship, and names his new business Reqing Store. He wants to make this store a MUST stop for both local residents as well as traveling visitors.

I stay the whole day, from opening to closing, listening to records, sharing drinks and stories with other customers. After a couple of hours playing records and talking about music, it becomes quite an intimate experience—full on and high energy. I meet so many amazing people and find out about their music journey. The store finally becomes an intimate place filled with passion, just as described in the store's name.




This is xcaiticx. I’m a vinyl record listener, enthusiast, collector & digger, currently based in Shanghai & NYC.
I’m such a homebody. But if I’m out, I’m either buying records or on my way to buy records.

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