A psychological diagnosis of the ‘sickness’ known more commonly as record collecting.
Everyone who collects records does so for different reasons—some for no reason at all. It’s a fiendishly difficult compulsion to explain—one that can turn rational, straight-thinking individuals into excitable and obsessive hoarders; voracious completists with a penchant for alphabetisation. In xcaiticx’s opinion, the motivation that lies behind the collecting of vinyl records always relates to time: the need to make beauty and pleasure permanent, based in a fear of its likely disappearance; as well as nostalgia, a sense of belonging felt through collecting bits of the past. Used record itself serves as a bridge, and each record connects its owner with two eras, that of its creation and that of its acquisition. Certainly, vinyl record is a kind of material with use value, whether that is pleasure or research.

The joy comes when you play the record.
As xcaiticx builds his vinyl collection, there is slight joy in ownership, but the whole point is “using the music”. Whereas collecting many types of objects involves setting them aside and removing them from regular use, records by necessity retain a strong element of use value—people will play them, because that is the only way to experience their contents. Tales of extreme record collectors, like xcaiticx, whose new acquisitions are immediately sealed hermetically and hidden away in vaults. Yet, thanks to xcaiticx’s “The More, The Better“ rule, there is always a extra copy available for spinning, and thus he still gets a chance to share what he finds with friends via listening sessions. Due to size constraints, the listening sessions could only remain small, so xcaiticx is starting this project to record a series of listening sessions for public viewing as a way to share the joy. On the other hand, more vinyl-related videos on different topics will be created under this project as well.

- 收藏黑胶唱片是“病态”心理的体现 -
每个人收藏唱片的原因都不尽相同,有些甚至毫无缘由。这是一种难以解释的强迫症,它总能让唱片收藏者逐渐变成一个贪婪的囤积者,一个喜欢按字母顺序来排列唱片的强迫症患者。在 xcaiticx 看来,收藏黑胶唱片背后的动机总是与时间有关:一个是摆脱时间的限制,收藏者企图将这些美轮美奂的艺术品永久的保存下来,不会因为时间的推移而消失;另一个则是怀旧,他们通过收集过去的点点滴滴来得到一种归属感。黑胶唱片本身就是一座桥梁,它们如同时间机器一般让每个收藏者都能在生活的当下和唱片发行的年代间自由穿梭。毫无疑问,黑胶唱片是一样具有使用价值的物品,无论是用于日常的娱乐还是音乐历史的研究。

- 黑胶能带来的最大的愉悦来自于播放它的时候 -
xcaiticx 在收集黑胶唱片的过程中,虽然也有拥有唱片的喜悦,但最重要的是 "使用音乐"。许多被冠以收藏品的东西都需要将其妥善安放后用于展示,而唱片则必然保留着强烈的使用价值:人们会播放它们,因为这是体验其内容的唯一方式。有一些极端的唱片收藏家,比如 xcaiticx,他们会把新买的唱片立即密封起来藏进保险库里。然而,由于 xcaiticx 在收藏黑胶唱片时奉行 "越多越好"的原则,他便有机会通过试听会与朋友分享他挖掘到的唱片。然而,由于场地所限,试听会只能保持小规模,因此 xcaiticx 启动了人间黑胶指南 这个项目,通过录制一系列试听视频来分享快乐。同时,这个项目还将制作更多不同主题的黑胶相关视频。
