在上海挖掘唱片 / 第一课
DIGGIN' SHANGHAI 101, curated by xcaiticx, is an event that combines crate digging and exploring the city for record lovers and collectors, whether they are from out of town or local. At this event, xcaiticx will turn himself into a tour guide and will take participants on a tour of the city as they visit record stores all over the city.
在上海挖掘唱片 / 第一课 是由xcaiticx发起并策划的在地活动,这个活动将以整个上海市为活动范围,去寻找和探访这座城市里的最佳唱片店,同时在来往唱片店的间隙,领略这座城市的魅力和文化。
Major Arrangements / 主要行程
※ City Stroll & Crate Digging / 城市漫步 & 淘盘
※ Local Record Store Visits / 唱片店探访
※ Listening Sessions & Live Shows / 试听会 & 现场
※ Documentary Screenings / 纪录片放映
The first round of DIGGIN' SHANGHAI 101 will take place from Wednesday, July 10th through Sunday, August 18th. During this period, there may be more than one DIGGIN' SHANGHAI 101 event. There is no deadline to register for this event, which is run on a rolling basis. However, the exact dates of the event will need to be determined based on participants' schedules, so it's highly recommended to sign up early and keep the schedule flexible.
首轮在上海挖掘唱片 / 第一课 将在7月10日至8月18日之间举行。在这期间,将会有一场或多场在上海挖掘唱片 / 第一课 活动举行。由于本活动采取滚动形式举行,因此不设报名截止日期,但活动场数和具体时间将由报名人数和参与者的行程安排来决定,因此强烈建议尽早报名并预留充分的灵活安排时间。
Please use the sign-up form on this page to register. Successful submission of the form does not mean that you have been admitted to this event. Once the date is confirmed, you will receive a confirmation email with the schedule and specific details.
⚠︎ Note / 请注意
The first round of DIGGIN’ SHANGHAI 101 is only for those who registered to sit for Gaokao in 2024.
首轮在上海挖掘唱片 / 第一课 仅对2024年参加高考的学生开放。
Sign up for DIGGIN’ SHANGHAI 101
报名参与在上海挖掘唱片 / 第一课