シティーポップ | CITY POP | 都市流行

It is a loosely defined form of Japanese pop music that emerged in the late 1970s and peaked in the 1980s.



It was originally termed as an offshoot of Japan's Western-influenced "new music", but came to include a wide range of styles – including AOR, soft rock, R&B, funk, and boogie – that were associated with the country's nascent economic boom and leisure class.It was also identified with new technologies such as the Walkman, cars with built-in cassette decks and FM stereos, and various electronic musical instruments.

There is no unified consensus among scholars regarding the definition of city pop. In Japan, the tag simply referred to music that projected an "urban" feel and whose target demographic was urbanites. Many of the artists did not embrace the Japanese influences of their predecessors, and instead, largely drew from American soft rock, boogie, and funk. Some examples may also feature tropical flourishes or elements taken from disco, jazz fusion, Okinawan, Latin and Caribbean music. Singer-songwriter Tatsuro Yamashita, who was among the genre's pioneers and most successful artists, is sometimes called the "king" of city pop.

City pop lost mainstream appeal after the 1980s and was derided by younger generations of Japanese. In the early 2010s, partly through the instigation of music-sharing blogs and Japanese reissues, city pop gained an international online following as well as becoming a touchstone for the sample-based microgenres known as vaporwave and future funk.

1970年代,日本流行音乐由新音乐过渡至城市流行,拥有更现代化的曲调,以及相对先进的歌曲创作和编曲技术,例如大七度和减三和声和弦,这些和弦直接取材于该时代的美国软摇滚,并在以轻快摇滚乐风搭配日文歌词的先驱者“Happy End”乐队(成员为细野晴臣、松本隆、大泷咏一、铃木茂),以及“Sugar Babe”乐队(主要成员有山下达郎、大贯妙子、村松邦男等人)的唯一专辑《SONGS》(1975年)引领,之后并由大泷咏一、山下达郎、吉田美奈子、荒井由実、竹内玛莉亚、大贯妙子、南佳孝等人的音乐作品建立基础,进而将城市流行推广至普遍社会。 城市流行活跃于七零年代末期至八零年代末期,与日本的科技热潮紧密相关,城市流行的音乐多半带有浓烈的都会气息,同一时期出现的随身听、带有内置音响的汽车、以及各种电子乐器,无疑成为城市流行乐的推广助手,这种音乐流派与日本当时的技术进步及其新兴富裕阶层密不可分,城市流行音乐的背后是日本人民生活水准提高,浮动汇率制度的引入和日元升值带来的外国文化的涌入,以及东京国际化的社会化,城市人口的兴衰经常与日本经济的兴衰重叠。然而在1990年代初日本经济泡沫破裂,城市流行音乐的歌曲数量急剧下降。

随着网络的流行,衰退的城市流行也渐渐各界音乐人士重新检视,并从曲调中获取灵感,并在近年相继出现各种具有关联性质的创新流派,如蒸气波(vaporwave)和未来放克(future funk)等加工音乐的基础。并且由于其类似背景音乐的性质,也影响了低保真音乐等流媒体的传播,以此主题作曲获得知名的音乐创作者包含MACROSS 82-99、Yung Bae、 FNKY NGTH、Night Tempo等团体,其中在2017年,竹内玛莉亚的《Plastic Love》因在未经授权上传到YouTube,因数据算法意外推荐给全世界的用户后,许多用户开始将《Plastic Love》视为神秘的歌曲,也因此受到日本海外地区的热烈注目,在广受好评的情况下,也造就城市流行重新受到世人关注的契机,许多被归类于此种音乐风格的歌手及团体,如大贯妙子、山下达郎等人也因而获得重新关注与肯定。
